My Room

"Everyone carries a room about inside them. This fact can even be proved by means of the sense of hearing. If someone walks fast and one pricks up one's ears and listens, say at night, when everything round about is quiet, one hears, for instance, the rattling of a mirror not quite firmly fastened to the wall." -Franz Kafka

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

I spoke out of turn

Christine informs me in no uncertain terms that she was NOT watching Star Wars; she was doing homework.

Welcome to My Room

I live in the basement, where I spend my days drinking coffee and looking for jobs on the Internet. I have an interview next Wednesday.

Oh, and before you comment on the dustiness of the stairs, I feel I should tell you that it's my job to vacuum them.

Christine's upstairs right now, watching Star Wars.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Honey, I Shrunk the Effigy

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

My Batmobile

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

I _______________:

I got this from my mom's blog.

I AM: Finally able to walk and return to work.
I WANT: A job.
I WISH: Whenever the clock reads 11:11.
I HATE: Rude people.
I MISS: My friends and family in Michigan.
I FEAR: Spiders, heights, and the dark.
I HEAR: Law & Order: SVU in the background.
I WONDER: Who wrote the book of love.
I REGRET: Every time I was intentionally mean.
I AM NOT: In a good mood.
I DANCE: In the car when only Christine is watching.
I SING: 80s pop songs in the shower.
I CRY: When I break bones in three places.
I AM NOT ALWAYS: On time. I used to be, but then I got married.
I MAKE WITH MY HANDS: Batmobiles out of LEGO bricks.
I WRITE: When the spirit moves me.
I CONFUSE: Freshmen.
I NEED: To get a job.
I SHOULD: Write more consistently.
I START: But then I get sidetracked.
I FINISH: Leftovers.
I TAG: My large literary following.

Thank God Almighty!

I am free at last!

If you've visited Bibliophilia, you know that already. I meant to post that here.

I have officially been released to go back to work, which would be exciting if I had a job. Now it just means that the checks have stopped. I have a few promising leads, but no interviews yet. If you know of anyone who's looking for a copyeditor/writer, let me know.

In the meantime, I'm watching movies, reading a lot, and playing with my new Batman Legos.

How are you?