My Room

"Everyone carries a room about inside them. This fact can even be proved by means of the sense of hearing. If someone walks fast and one pricks up one's ears and listens, say at night, when everything round about is quiet, one hears, for instance, the rattling of a mirror not quite firmly fastened to the wall." -Franz Kafka

Friday, May 20, 2005

The new/old blog

So I've decided to continue the blog, but now I need to come up with a new title. I realize that the address will still have Oxford Blues in it, but since I am no longer in Oxford, I feel that the blog needs a new title. And probably a new design. The old one worked with the whole blue theme, and I liked this one, but now I realize it looks like a shoebox or an Emo CD cover. What to do...

If anyone has any suggestions, I would welcome them.


  • At 11:22 pm, Blogger Chris said…

    But, Buddy, you love emo...and shoes.

  • At 9:56 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Buddy! Cool site and I love the Oxford pics. Hope you guys are doing well.
    ....emo is cool by the way.


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