My Room

"Everyone carries a room about inside them. This fact can even be proved by means of the sense of hearing. If someone walks fast and one pricks up one's ears and listens, say at night, when everything round about is quiet, one hears, for instance, the rattling of a mirror not quite firmly fastened to the wall." -Franz Kafka

Friday, January 13, 2006

A screw loose

Yesterday I had my last appointment with the doctor I was seeing. He referred me to a surgeon in Rockford. This doesn't necessarily mean that I will be having another surgery, but it's rather likely. My leg would probably still heal with time, but after walking on it for a month, I'm in a lot of pain, and one of my screws is loose, which is a sign that the bone is still not bridging. So more waiting to see this doctor, and then, I assume, more waiting. Yay.


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