My Room

"Everyone carries a room about inside them. This fact can even be proved by means of the sense of hearing. If someone walks fast and one pricks up one's ears and listens, say at night, when everything round about is quiet, one hears, for instance, the rattling of a mirror not quite firmly fastened to the wall." -Franz Kafka

Friday, April 08, 2005

The BM

Christine and I spent the day at the British Museum with my cousin from California and his friend from London. The museum was huge, and we only scratched the surface. We saw the original Isle of Lewis chessmen and a lot of Egyptian antiquities. In the giftshop I bought a book on the history of the Isle of Lewis chessmen and a coffee cup that has Greek red-figures on it (anybody surprised?).
Enjoy the pictures!


  • At 2:42 pm, Blogger Judy said…

    WHAT!?!? NO PICTURES of actual living people that I love?!?!

  • At 7:20 pm, Blogger Evan said…

    the BM?? i thought this post was going to be a jen good, christine haskill type story. not about the british museum.


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