My Room

"Everyone carries a room about inside them. This fact can even be proved by means of the sense of hearing. If someone walks fast and one pricks up one's ears and listens, say at night, when everything round about is quiet, one hears, for instance, the rattling of a mirror not quite firmly fastened to the wall." -Franz Kafka

Friday, December 03, 2004

A Semester Abroad

This blog is to update our friends, our families, and random blog-addicted strangers regarding our semester at Oxford. We figured this would be easier (and more fun) than a mass e-mail list, and it won't clog anyone's inbox.

We will be leaving on January 5 and returning home April 16. While in Oxford, we will be taking two seminar classes together: one on Shakespeare, the other on English History, which will include a lot of trips to historic sites in England. In addition, we will each take two tutorials where we will meet one-on-one with the instructor. I (Buddy) will be taking Victorian Gothic Literature as my primary tutorial (meeting once per week) and Greek Tragedy as my secondary tutorial (every other week). Christine's primary tutorial will be 20th century British Literature and her secondary, 19th Century Women writers.

I will also be working on an internship, editing several papers presented at Cornerstone University's After Worldview conference into a book. Contributers include Calvin Seerveld, Jim Olthuis, Al Wolters, James Sire, and J. Richard Middleton.

We will attempt to update regularly, but please be patient if we get swamped (and don't expect much before we actually leave). Please leave us a note. We'd love to hear from you. And if you know of anyone interested in tracking our activities, please direct them to our blog.


  • At 11:29 am, Blogger Chris said…

    Oxford Town
    Bob Dylan
    (The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan)

    Oxford Town, Oxford Town
    Ev'rybody's got their heads bowed down
    The sun don't shine above the ground
    Ain't a-goin' down to Oxford Town

    He went down to Oxford Town
    Guns and clubs followed him down
    All because his face was brown
    Better get away from Oxford Town

    Oxford Town around the bend
    He come in to the door, he couldn't get in
    All because of the color of his skin
    What do you think about that, my frien'?

    Me and my gal, my gal's son
    We got met with a tear gas bomb
    I don't even know why we come
    Goin' back where we come from

    Oxford Town in the afternoon
    Ev'rybody singin' a sorrowful tune
    Two men died 'neath the Mississippi moon
    Somebody better investigate soon

    Oxford Town, Oxford Town
    Ev'rybody's got their heads bowed down
    The sun don't shine above the ground
    Ain't a-goin' down to Oxford Town


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